Depa Plus®

Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride+ Glutaraldehyde + Formaldehyde + Glyoxal + Isopropyl alcohol

  • - animals:
  • - usage:
  • - Packaging:
  • 1 & 4 liter gallons

Product properties


Depa Plus®

Each liter contains:
Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 100 g
Glutaraldehyde 40 g
Formaldehyde 31.5 g
Glyoxal 32 g
Isopropyl alcohol 50 g

Mechanism of Action:

Didecyldimethylammonium chloride is one of the newest quaternary ammonium compounds which due to lack of benzene cycle in its molecule, has more stability compared to others in the group. Its damaging effect on bacterial cell wall causes precipitation of cytoplasm and facilitates penetration of aldehydes into bacteria. Aldehyde compound present in

Depa Plus® disrupts bacterial RNA / DNA synthesis, ending in coagulation and destruction of bacterial vital proteins. Alcohol compound in Depa Plus® is antiseptic / detergent  and completes disinfection properties  of this product. Presence of strong compounds in Depa Plus® have made it effective against

a wide range of bacteria, spores, fungi, algae and viruses.

Indications of use

– Disinfection of hatchery sets.

– Disinfection of poultry houses and farms, cages, equipments, feeders and drinkers.

– Disinfection of disinfection basins (for vehicles and animals) in entrance of farms and entrance of poultry houses.

– Disinfection of animal boxes, calving boxes, calf stalls, sick animal quarters, water tanks and pipes.

– Disinfection of animal/poultry transportation trucks.

– Disinfection of mats, boots, etc.

Dosage and route of administration

– Disinfection of buildings and animal houses (Ceilings, floors, walls): after primary wash with  a simple detergent and drying, use one liter of 0.5%

Depa Plus® (0.5 liter Depa Plus® diluted in 99.5 liters of water) per 10 square meters applied  by spraying

– Disinfection of equipments (feeders, drinkers): by submerging in 1% solution of Depa Plus® (one liter of Depa Plus® in 99 liters of water for 10 minutes.

– Disinfection of vehicles including cars, feed/ fertilizer trucks, animal transport trucks. Before transporting feed, chickens, etc spray Depa Plus® 0.5% to all accessible surfaces including wheels, load panels, etc.

– Disinfection of entrance disinfection basins in farms and poultry houses:

use 1% solution and renew the solution when it changes color or when extra disinfection is needed.

Storage conditions

– In cool place and closed containers.

– After first opening of container the remaining should be used within 60 days.

– Diluted solutions can be used within 24 hours.


– While preparing and applying the disinfectant wear protective clothes, gloves, mask and goggles.

– Do not inhale the disinfectant polluted air.

– Do not drink the solution. In case of contact with skin it can be corrosive and may cause sensitivity.

– In case of contact with eyes wash with plenty of clean water and seek medical advice.

– The disinfection area should be suitably ventilated during application.

– Keep away from water and food sources as well as animals access.

Side effects:

The concentrate form is irritant and inhalation of its particles can cause respiratory disorders.